“La Liseuse” is a bas-relief created by Louis-Ernest Barrias, a renowned sculptor of the 19th century. The bas-relief represents a seated woman, pregnant in reading. She is depicted with a large book open on her knees, and her posture is relaxed, one arm resting on the armrest of her chair and the other supporting her head in a gesture of concentration and meditation.
Visual Details:
• The woman wears a draped dress, characteristic of classical and antique outfits, showcasing the folds and contours of the fabric, an element often celebrated in classical sculpture.
• In the background, we can see elements indicating a studious atmosphere, such as a desk with a quill and an inkwell, emphasizing the intellectual and contemplative atmosphere of the scene.
• The base and frame of the bas-relief are in veined black marble, contrasting elegantly with the bronze of the relief, bringing a touch of sophistication and richness to the work.
Artistic Current
Louis-Ernest Barrias is often associated with the neoclassical and academic movement. His style is marked by rigorous attention to anatomical details and idealized beauty, characteristics inherited from classicism. Her work, “La Liseuse,” embodies these principles with its careful rendering of drapery, the graceful posture of the female figure and the serene, contemplative atmosphere.
History of the Founder
Susse Frères is the founder mentioned on the work. Founded in 1837 in Paris, this foundry is famous for its production of artistic bronzes. She collaborated with many famous artists of the time, producing sculptures that are appreciated around the world today. Susse Frères is renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and ability to capture fine details and delicate expressions in bronze.
Biography of Louis-Ernest Barrias
Louis-Ernest Barrias (1841-1905) is a renowned French sculptor, trained at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris under the tutelage of François Jouffroy. Barrias won the Prix de Rome in 1865, a prestigious distinction which allowed him to stay at the Villa Medici in Rome and perfect his art. He is known for his monumental sculptures and refined bas-reliefs.
Among his most famous works are “Nature Unveiling itself to Science” and “The Defense of Paris”. Barrias played a significant role in the development of French sculpture of the late 19th century, blending classical influence and stylistic innovation. His works are often characterized by great technical finesse and poetic sensitivity.
“La Liseuse” by Louis-Ernest Barrias is a work representative of his talent and style, integrating classical principles of beauty and harmony with an academic sensitivity. The bas-relief, produced by the Susse Frères foundry, is a testimony to the excellence of French sculpture of this period.
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